It's that time of the year for us, the current MoMU committee of 16/17, to step down and let our fellow successors take over!
Date: 6 September 2017 (Wednesday)
Venue: PAR-Electrical and Engineering - Brown Theatre
Time: 5:00 p.m.
[Executive positions]
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary
- Treasurer
[Director positions]
- Activities Director
- Assistant Activities Director
- Publicity Director
- Assistant Publicity Directors (2)
- Sponsorship Director
- Assistant Sponsorship Director
Do note that to run for EXECUTIVE POSITIONS, you must be a student of the University of Melbourne.
If you're looking to be a candidate of the President or the Vice President position, you would have to be a Malaysian on top of that.
Only the members of MoMU are entitled to;
i) vote,
ii) run for a position,
iii) nominate someone or to second someone.
Hence, do remember to bring your membership card in order to fully participate at our AGM!
A maximum of 3 minutes will be allocated for the candidates' speeches, followed by a Q&A session open to the floor. If you are interested in running for any of the positions, please fill up this nomination form before the 3rd of Sept 2017, 11.59 p.m.
Nomination form link: https://goo.gl/forms/REAXrM9RnixMte753
(*Kindly fill in your own details if you're nominating yourself)
It is also strongly advised for candidates to be dressed in business attire.
Additional Notes:
If you want to be part of the committee but are not ready to take up the exco/director roles, fret not! Sub-committee applications will be open 2 weeks after the AGM.
Please note that signups for club membership will be temporarily closed on the week of the AGM to ensure fairness.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: September 3
MOMU x Badminton Social 2.0
Later Event: September 10
MoMU Rock Climbing 2017