Malaysians of Melbourne University

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The Truth about Tutorials

Okay, so it’s almost the end of Week 3 and tutorials have long started- BUT IT’S ALL FOR THE BETTER. As long as you know how to make the most out of them!

From an introvert’s point of view, tutorials are simply a mandatory hour or two where you battle your social anxiety, finding the nerve to talk to the person next to you, shivering internally rehearsing your answer in your head in case you get asked.

From an extrovert’s point of view however, tutorials are slightly more exciting than lectures just because you get to sync tutes with friends, have a chat and overall be involved in a more engaging and hands on learning experience, although occasionally the chat gets in the way of most of the learning.

Instead of looking at opposite sides of the spectrum, it ‘s really important to maintain a good balance between both personalities to maximize tutorial time.

In my first year, I would dread tutorials simply because I was too self-conscious to make mistakes and have them noticed by tutors and tutorial mates. A lack of confidence led me to being easily intimidated by fellow peers, and it didn’t help that I was shy. Needless to say, my approach towards tutorials didn’t get me very good grades.

Fast forward to second year, I decided to look at tutorials differently and gradually my WAM started to look happier and healthier. Instead of imagining the tute room as a daunting space where students attempted to exert their dominance (haha) by demonstrating how many questions they could answer correctly, I pictured it as a class where all of us were keen to learn and most importantly, that we were all on the same level and ready to learn from each other. This is crucial for self growth especially when you tend to compare yourself to others, low-key pitting yourself against your friends. Learn from extroverts to be confident with whatever knowledge you have as everyone has different education backgrounds and IQ levels. Besides that, you do not have to be super outspoken, you just have to be bold to ask questions when there is something you don’t understand. Be energetic and enthusiastic about what you are learning as a positive approach will make you enjoy even the topics that you find most difficult and boring.

Remember to take from introverts their qualities as well - be humble in tutorials and naturally people will be more inclined to approach you. You don’t have to answer every question the tutor poses, whether you know them or not. Others may be shy and are working up the courage to raise up their hand. Listening to different people give their opinions and answers help stick better in your memory.

Tutorial work are probably the closest thing we get to exercises, workbook homework activities and “latih tubi” we used to do in high school, so attend them as much as you can. And if you’re afraid to take the first step to making friends with people from your tutorial, keep in mind that everyone there feels the same way. So go say hi next week, its never too late! :)